
検索キーワード「youtube logo」に一致する投稿を表示しています

25 ++ north face logo no words 125563

The North Face logo was designed in 1971 by graphic designer David Alcorn (California) The name of the brand was based on The North Face of the "Half Dome" rock formation The North Face of the Yosemite's Half Dome is substantially harder to ascend than the other faces And so the brand and its logo meaning was designed to suggest "tough"The North Face continued to advanced camping, climbing, and backpacking equipment, but it wasn't until 19 that The North Face began embracing skiers and snowboarders with their Extreme Gear line 1985 saw The North Face release its completely weatherproof suit the Mountain Jacket and Pant, and in 19 The North Face sent out its first snowboarding piece while alsoThe North Face Logo Design Elements The North Face logo is incredibly simple, but it works on a level that's very hard to deny It's just three words and three curves – nothing more, nothing less It's the kind of logo that you'd doodle on a piece of paper ...

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