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Dead Soul Revolver manga Read the latest chapter of Dead Soul Revolver (by Tomozo Kaoru) at MangaBatbest Support reading on Mobile, Table, PC デッド・ソウル・リボルバー Author(s) Tomozo Kaoru Artist(s) Updating Genre(s) Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen Type Action, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen Read First Read Last Release Updating Status OnGoing Comments Bookmark This Summaryデッド・ソウル・リボルバー Author Tomozo Kaoru Artist Tomozo Kaoru Genre Romance, Comedy, Action Theme Supernatural Demographic Seinen Content Ecchi Format Retail Description When nxiety, loses control, a person will become a demon consumed by darkness Luckily there are those devoted to hunting those
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デッドソウルリボルバー-既刊3巻 Tweet サイドメニュー 新刊・近刊;デッド・ソウル・リボルバー Demographics Shounen Chapters at MH 14 Releases at MH 0 Publishing Status Ongoing Writer(s) TOMOZO Kaworu Artist(s) TOMOZO Kaworu Serialized in Champion Red Published by Akita Shoten Year 07 Official Site Popularity 32 favorites Translators 1 (Click here to view) Are we missing something?
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Mật mã Trang chủ;Popular The mostrated anime on aniSearch during the current season;デッド・ソウル・リボルバー When nxiety loses control, they will become a demon consumed by darkness Luckily there are those devoted to hunting these demons Kagami Kenichi was taking a shortcut home from school until he gets attacked by a demon A girl named Miyu appears and fights off the demon with her gun Kagami's
Theo dõi đề tàiOther names デッド・ソウル・リボルバー Status Ongoing Genre Action, Ecchi, Fantasy Author Tomozo Kaoru Artis Tomozo Kaoru Kagami Kenichi meets a demon murdering a woman while taking a shortcut home from school He is rescued by Tsukishima Miyu, a gunwielding girl She explains to him that the demons were once humans and the only weapon against them is gunsDead Soul Revolver Manga Kagami Kenichi meets a demon murdering a woman while taking a shortcut home from school He is rescued by Tsukishima Miyu, a gunwielding girl She explains to him that the demons were once humans and the only weapon against them is guns He soon discovers his classmate, Hirai, is a demonized human when he is attacked by him
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Kagami Kenichi meets a demon murdering a woman while taking a shortcut home from school He is rescued by Tsukishima Miyu, a gunwielding girl She explains to him that the demons were once humans and the only weapon against them is guns He soon discovers his classmate, Hirai, is a demonized human when he is attacked by him Later on, Miyu makes a contract with Kenichi andDead Soul Revolver Kagami Kenichi meets a demon murdering a woman while taking a shortcut home from school He is rescued by Tsukishima Miyu, a gunwielding girl She explains to him that the demons were once humans and the only weapon against them is guns He soon discovers hiデッド・ソウル・リボルバー ともぞカヲル 3巻 デビルマン対ゲッターロボ 永井豪、ダイナミックプロ 全1巻 天使のkatte♡ 水兵きき 1巻 電車男 ~でも、俺旅立つよ。~ 渡辺航 中野独人 全3巻 同人はっけん伝 堂高しげる 全1巻 どきどき魔女神判!
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コミックデッド・ソウル・リボルバー(全3巻)セット ともぞカヲル 秋田書店 定価合計(全商品) ¥1,1(税込) 合計金額 ¥4 定価合計(在庫あり) 発送時期 お客様レビューを投稿する オトナ買いとは? オトナ買いお知らせメールとは? 在庫あり 3点/全3点 すべてチェックするDead Soul Revolver is an online manga published on ManhuaScanorg Dead Soul Revolver is a mixture of ten different genres such as Action ;